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kubechecks currently only officially supports deployment to a Kubernetes Cluster via Helm.


  1. Kubernetes Cluster
  2. Github/Gitlab token (for authenticating to the repository)
  3. ArgoCD

Helm Installation

To get started, add the kubechecks repository to Helm:

Add kubechecks helm chart repo

helm repo add kubechecks

Once installed, simply run:

helm install kubechecks charts/kubechecks -n kubechecks --create-namespace

Refer to configuration for details about the various options available for customising kubechecks. You must provide the required secrets in some capacity; refer to the chart for more details


kubechecks can be configured to meet your specific set up through the use of enviornment variables defined in your provided values.yaml.

The full list of supported environment variables is described below:

Env Var Description Default Value
KUBECHECKS_ARGOCD_API_INSECURE Enable to use insecure connections to the ArgoCD API server. false
KUBECHECKS_ARGOCD_API_SERVER_ADDR ArgoCD API Server Address. argocd-server
KUBECHECKS_ENABLE_CONFTEST Set to true to enable conftest policy checking of manifests. false
KUBECHECKS_ENABLE_KUBECONFORM Enable kubeconform checks. true
KUBECHECKS_ENABLE_PREUPGRADE Enable preupgrade checks. true
KUBECHECKS_ENSURE_WEBHOOKS Ensure that webhooks are created in repositories referenced by argo. false
KUBECHECKS_FALLBACK_K8S_VERSION Fallback target Kubernetes version for schema / upgrade checks. 1.23.0
KUBECHECKS_KUBERNETES_CONFIG Path to your kubernetes config file, used to monitor applications.
KUBECHECKS_LABEL_FILTER (Optional) If set, The label that must be set on an MR (as "kubechecks:") for kubechecks to process the merge request webhook.
KUBECHECKS_LOG_LEVEL Set the log output level. One of error, warn, info, debug, trace. info
KUBECHECKS_MAX_CONCURRENCT_CHECKS Number of concurrent checks to run. 32
KUBECHECKS_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE Size of app diff check queue. 1024
KUBECHECKS_MONITOR_ALL_APPLICATIONS Monitor all applications in argocd automatically. false
KUBECHECKS_OTEL_COLLECTOR_HOST The OpenTelemetry collector host.
KUBECHECKS_OTEL_COLLECTOR_PORT The OpenTelemetry collector port.
KUBECHECKS_OTEL_ENABLED Enable OpenTelemetry. false
KUBECHECKS_PERSIST_LOG_LEVEL Persists the set log level down to other module loggers. false
KUBECHECKS_POLICIES_LOCATION Sets rego policy locations to be used for every check request. Can be common path inside the repos being checked or git urls in either git or http(s) format. [./policies]
KUBECHECKS_REPO_REFRESH_INTERVAL Interval between static repo refreshes (for schemas and policies). 5m
KUBECHECKS_SCHEMAS_LOCATION Sets schema locations to be used for every check request. Can be common paths inside the repos being checked or git urls in either git or http(s) format. [./schemas]
KUBECHECKS_SHOW_DEBUG_INFO Set to true to print debug info to the footer of MR comments. false
KUBECHECKS_TIDY_OUTDATED_COMMENTS_MODE Sets the mode to use when tidying outdated comments. One of hide, delete. hide
KUBECHECKS_VCS_BASE_URL VCS base url, useful if self hosting gitlab, enterprise github, etc.
KUBECHECKS_VCS_TYPE VCS type. One of gitlab or github. gitlab
KUBECHECKS_WEBHOOK_SECRET Optional secret key for validating the source of incoming webhooks.
KUBECHECKS_WEBHOOK_URL_BASE The endpoint to listen on for incoming PR/MR event webhooks. For example, ''.
KUBECHECKS_WEBHOOK_URL_PREFIX If your application is running behind a proxy that uses path based routing, set this value to match the path prefix. For example, '/hello/world'.
KUBECHECKS_WORST_CONFTEST_STATE The worst state that can be returned from conftest. panic
KUBECHECKS_WORST_HOOKS_STATE The worst state that can be returned from the hooks renderer. panic
KUBECHECKS_WORST_KUBECONFORM_STATE The worst state that can be returned from kubeconform. panic
KUBECHECKS_WORST_PREUPGRADE_STATE The worst state that can be returned from preupgrade checks. panic